We are Great Plains Action Society, an Indigenous-led non-profit of folks living in the Great Plains region, resisting colonization and re-Indigenizing the land and the world around us. At Great Plains Action Society, our mission is to address the ongoing harm caused by settler-colonialism. One of the deepest harms that that colonization has brought is the disrespect of bodily autonomy, especially non-white, non-cishetero, non-male bodies.
Indigenous peoples have always had their own medicines and own practices concerning reproduction. Laws dictating what individuals can and cannot do with their bodies are in direct conflict with free cultural practice. Laws that prevent access to necessary medical care have and will continue to result in deaths, with these deaths concentrated in already underserved BIPOC communities.
Our fight for reproductive justice is a fight for cultural sovereignty and also a fight for the safety and wellbeing of our communities.
This page and zine version are a compilation of resources, fun facts, and other information meant for educational purposes only. We highly encourage you do your own research, and this should be a great place to start! After Iowa’s 6 week ban, accessibility and decreasing stigma around reproductive healthcare is vital to our fight for body sovereignty.
With Love
the GPAS team
(Written in November 2024)

What is Medication Abortion?
Quick Stats!
1 in 4 people capable of being pregnant will have an abortion (2024)
2 in 5 pregnancies are unintended (2015)
1 in 5 pregnancies are aborted (2020)
3 in 5 abortion patients are between the ages of 20 and 29 (2021)
more than 1 in 2 abortion patients have already given birth (2022)
more than 1 in 2 abortion patients have not previously had an abortion before (2021)
Mifepristone and Misoprostol used together are the main form of medication abortion.
First, Mifepristone is taken to stop progesterone, the hormone that helps a fertilized egg stick to the uterus lining (endometrium) and grow. This is usually one pill.
Then, Misoprostol is taken (within 48 hours) to empty the uterus, which feels like a super heavy period. This is usually 4 pills taken together.
This is currently the most effective method of abortion with pills. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 98% of abortions using this method are without consequences. This method is typically used up to 11 weeks from the first day of your last period. Beyond this timeframe, procedural abortions (abortions via surgery) are generally used until up to 20 weeks of gestation.

An Incomplete Timeline of Abortion in the USA
1776 - Mid-1800s: Abortion is socially unacceptable but not uncommon and legal everywhere. Black, enslaved women made up approximately 50% of all midwives in the US, followed by indigenous peoples and some white women.
1821: Connecticut is the first state to pass any kind of abortion ban. After this, more states implement similar, vague bans.
~1865/Civil War Era: A group of white male gynecologists started smear campaigns and lobbying to outlaw midwifery as a way to further limit black women's bodily autonomy and capitalize off of an untapped market.
1910: Abortion was banned nation-wide. White, wealthy women were still able to access reproductive care by traveling.
Late 1960s: After decades of women's rights organizing, 11 states legalize abortion again. (So much happened here, we can't cover it all. BUT! Check out these other timelines for more info.)
1970-1976: Documented, organized, government sanctioned campaign of forcibly sterilizing indigenous peoples took place. This happened both before and after this time frame, but reparation efforts would only acknowledge sterilizations that took place during this time. It's estimated 25-50% of all childbearing-age indigenous people were forcibly sterilized.
1973: Roe v Wade establishes abortion rights across all states.
1977: The Hyde Amendment was added barring the use of government funds to pay for abortions (like medicaid, government run clinics, etc.)
1980-1988: French researchers at Roussel-Uclaf invent and develop Mifepristone. It is approved for use by the French government in 1988.
1989: FDA bans Mifepristone. Roussel-Uclaf also banned the distribution of Mifepristone in the U.S.
Early 1990s: President Clinton orders an investigation into Mifepristone. Two years later, Roussel-Uclaf agreed to give the Population Council the patent rights to mifepristone in the United States.
2000: Mifepristone is finally approved for use as medication abortion in the US.
Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have more complete timelines for those who are curious. (See Important Sites sidebar below)

We have recommendations!
Most period products were found to have lead in them in 2024. Here is a short list of brands that were tested to be lead free:
Note: Nothing should be inserted into the vagina for at least 7 days following a medication abortion. Cups, discs, and tampon suggestions are for regular periods only.
Luna (reusable)
Seventh Generation Free and Clear
Other Products
Flex Disc
Saalt Cup
Diva Cup
Knix Period Underwear
Tea Box!
Indigenous peoples have used tea to treat period pains and other ailments for centuries. Try ginger, peppermint, american skullcap, turmeric, red raspberry leaf, or cranberry juice while recovering. It's generally recommended to drink a cup 3 times a day when using a tea for medicinal purposes.
Iron Rich Recipes We've Tried
For better nutritional value, nutritionists suggest using enriched rice or pasta.
Support Network
Needing an abortion is already a highly stressful time. Most often, we would encourage you to gather your people to support you-- people you love and trust to have your back while you recover-- but for now, while Abortion is still criminalized beyond the 6 week mark, it’s safest to tell as few people as possible. Counselors and therapists are mandated reporters and are legally required to report any life threatening behavior (which could include acquiring an abortion).
That said, it is entirely your choice to tell people about your abortion. Only 1 in 3 people tell their families and 62% tell their sexual partner.
You should never feel obligated to justify your decision.
Should you need to, both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Hotline can help. Both have the resources and will help you plan how to receive care in another state.
All of the hotlines have great information on their sites. We highly recommend you check them out!
Finding a Clinic
You can still get a medication abortion in Iowa before 6 weeks of gestation at the Planned Parenthood in Ames or the Emma Goldman clinic. For those who are beyond 6 weeks, there are still options.
Aid Access is an organization that provides telehealth appointments to receive mifepristone and misoprostol by mail. The service costs $150 and has even more information than we could provide here on their website: aidaccess.org/
Abortion on Demand is another organization that provides medication abortions by mail but doesn’t provide services in Iowa at this time. Medication abortions and procedural abortions are also available in person out of state. In the tabs below, we’ve provided info about the closest clinics for each kind of abortion to 4 major cities in Iowa that provide services beyond 6 weeks. (*this feature does not yet work on mobile.)
We used abortionfinder.org/ to find these clinics.
Plan to stay a few days. Some states require a counseling appointment at least 24 hours before your actual abortion. If you need financial support in order to reach a clinic, abortion funds exist to help you afford and get an abortion. Iowans have access to:
3105 N. 93rd St, Omaha, NE 68134
(Approximately 143 Miles/2 hours 15 mins)
(877) 859 - 0589
Accepted Insurance
Cost of Medication Abortion
Cost of Procedural Abortion
Essential Pregnancy Services - a neighboring pro-life org, they do not provide or refer abortions or contraception.
8:30am - 4:30pm
11am - 7pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
10am - 3pm
4401 W 109th St., #100, Overland Park, KS 66211
(Approximately 210 Miles/3 hours 10 mins)
(913) 345 - 1400
Accepted Insurance
Cost of Medication Abortion
Cost of Procedural Abortion
8:30am - 6pm
8:30am - 6pm
8:30am - 6pm
10am - 6pm
8:30am - 6pm
These travel times, even with assistance from abortion funds, are INCREDIBLY inaccessible in times of emergency. It should not have to come to dying or traveling hours to receive care.
(We were not able to find the costs of these services. We will update as we find this information.)
Beware of Crisis Clinics
Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) are run by national anti-abortion organizations. Their primary mission is to block access to abortion services by spreading disinformation and delaying access to a full range of prenatal and abortion care. They masquerade as abortion clinics/pregnancy care clinics to get you to waste time until it’s too late to get an abortion or convince you to not. Typically, they are NOT legit medical clinics, nor do they provide comprehensive care.
What to Expect
This information pertains to specifically medication abortions. Some states require a counseling session 24 hours before the actual abortion. Call ahead to your chosen clinic with questions.
The clinician will give you the first pill, mifepristone, at the clinic. You can also ask for anti-biotics. You will be given misoprostol to take at home, 24-48 hours later. It’s usually a set of 4 pills taken together. Take it easy from here. Misoprostol causes cramps and clotted bleeding. It will feel like a very heavy period. Expect a mild fever and nausea, these symptoms should not last longer than several hours or a single day. Treat yourself. Get your hot water bottle, tea, snacks and your favorite bingeable TV show. Take some ibuprofen and Tylenol, and call a friend.
Plan for 2 full days of cramps, bleeding, tender breasts and fatigue. You will likely have a follow up appointment 7-14 days later.
You might’ve heard that exercise is good for period cramps, tried to push through a run, and thought that was bull shit. There is a nugget of truth to it but you’re supposed to do LOW EFFORT, aerobic exercise. The same is also true for medication abortions. Here’s some low effort exercise you can try while recovering:
When to Seek Medical Attention
The chance of needing emergency care following a medication abortion is extremely low. 1 in every 2000 people.
The main thing to look out for is signs of infection. Particularly nausea and fever persisting for more than 24 hours after taking Misoprostol. Do not ignore these symptoms, they will require medical attention.
You could also experience excessive bleeding or persistent abdominal pain. You’ll know when it’s excessive bleeding if:
you’re needing 2+ pads/hour over a 2 hour period ~or~
you pass blood clots larger than a lemon
If you have to call EMS while in an abortion ban state, we suggest saying you are having a miscarriage. Complications from miscarriages and medication abortions have exactly the same symptoms AND treatment.

Walking with a Friend
Get a pregnancy test after at least two weeks (doing one too soon can result in a false positive and undue stress). If you test positive, you may need to seek medical attention. Call an abortion hotline like M+A hotline for more information. (see pg. 14 for list of hotlines)
Next Steps
Journal. If you have a trusted friend or family member who helped you out, process your emotions with them! There is so much you have just been through, take a moment to sit with the sadness, the joy, the grief, the empowerment, whatever it is your feeling. It’s totally normal to be overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. I hope this zine helps you feel just a little like you weren’t alone.
Q: I had my medication abortion 3-5 weeks ago, is it bad if I'm still bleeding?
Q: How long after having a medication abortion can I use tampons or have sex?
Q: How do I know if I'm allergic?
A: On average, people bleed for 9-14 days, but some people bleed or pass clots for as long as 4 weeks. Schedule a doctor’s appointment if bleeding is excessive (see pg. 23)
A: Wait at least a week. after that
is up to your best judgment.
A: Allergies to abortion pills is extremely rare (0.008%). When it does happen, it is generally no more than mild hives.
Q: Is it safe to have a medication abortion by yourself?
Q: What Painkillers can I use?
A: W.H.O. says if you are in the first trimester you can self-administer both meds without the supervision of a healthcare provider so long as they are taken properly.
A: Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen are safe with Misoprostol with a little food. DO NOT use any muscle relaxers or anti-spasmodics. For best results, it’s suggested to take painkillers approximately 1 hour before taking Misoprostol.
Have more questions about medication abortions? Check out aidaccess.org’s Abortion Pill FAQ page.
Reading List & Resources
Our Favorite Reproductive Justice Zines:
Why is the government like this: A Zine About Fighting for Abortion Access and Reproductive Justice in the Age of COVID19 (this one is also available in spanish)
Abortion is a form of Birth Control! And why having one isn’t that big of a deal
We also found this reading list for other zines. Check them out!
Important Sites
Unrestrict Minnesota on Crisis Pregnancy Centers
US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe
Abortion in US History (Planned Parenthood)
The Racist History of Abortion & Midwifery Bans (ACLU)
Historical Abortion Law Timeline: (Planned Parenthood)
The History of Mifepristone (The Reproductive Health Access Project)
Abortion in the US: What you Need to Know (Brookings)