Written by Nicole Rains

Great Plains Action Society recognizes that President Biden’s apology to the Gila River Indian community boarding school survivors and the Indigenous community at large is somewhat significant as it is the first acknowledgement ever made by the United States government--an occupying force on stolen land. However, much like empty land acknowledgements with no action taken, this is just lip service to a people who have endured hundreds of years of betrayal from an occupying, actively genocidal government. It is important to acknowledge that these things have been done, but it is more important to have actual reparations and anti-genocidal/anti-colonial action taken. Without action, an apology like this is just a political stunt, more empty promises, and a distraction from actual action that needs to be taken and to some extent a disservice to the Indigenous community and boarding school survivors.
Alongside many others in the larger Indigenous community, we demand the occupying US Government take actionable steps in order for this apology to mean anything to the Indigenous community, which include:
Passing the U.S. Truth & Healing Commission Bill to ensure continued funding and support for the relatives who survived boarding schools;
Granting immediate Executive Clemency for boarding school survivor and political prisoner Leonard Peltier, freeing him from his 50 year incarceration;
Immediately investing in Indigenous education at all levels, language and cultural revitalization programs;
Rescinding all medals of honor awarded to US soldiers for the massacre of Indigenous Peoples across stolen land now called the United States of America;
Support a nationwide reform to keep children safe at BIE run schools and investigate nationwide claims of egregious misconduct;
Stop using social welfare programs to continue the abduction and abuse that was inflicted upon our children in the boarding school era;
An immediate ceasefire in Palestine and return of indigenous peoples to their lands in Palestine and accountability in US complicity in allowing Israel to carry out genocide.
We stand with Indigenous Peoples everywhere, boarding school survivors, and the thousands of those who did not survive, to demand just and transparent action to fulfill treaty obligations and make reparations with the Indigenous community. We thank President Biden for recognizing the atrocities committed against us and our ancestors and expect him to fulfill his words with the above listed actions.